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Where's Waldo?

Writer's picture: Shield MeyerShield Meyer

On July 12, 2024 I had a dream and woke up at 5:55am. This powerful dream from the Lord awakened more than just myself from the dream - it awakened my heart to the way the Lord loves in a much deeper way.

In this dream I was walking with the Lord in what felt and looked like The Garden of Eden.

I looked over at the Lord and then He guided me with His hand from the Garden to a darker place. I could feel that as He guided me there was a job He had for me to do; like an assignment. It was of great importance; I could feel it. In this area that was dark, sat a man that had round glasses on. I felt completely safe and at peace because the Lord was with me.

The Lord looked at me and then looked at the man, then looked at me again. I went up to him and without saying a word to him he began talking to me and confessing everything to me about his past. This past of his was very dark. So dark that the more I communicated to him he began to reveal how he had done many things he wasn't proud of in his life. These things included details that I won't share but they led him to prison. They led him to what seemed like the end of his life on earth as he was punished for the acts he committed. These things were so gruesome and horrific. As he spoke, it was as if he identified himself by these acts committed. He was not proud of them and the more he spoke the more he truly didn't even understand why he did these horrific things. He just kept confessing and talking about his past - over and over.

Finally after all of his talking, he looked up at me with his round glasses on his face and, without thinking, I said "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?"

He said "My name is Waldo" and tears began to flow from his face.

Again, without thinking, I looked at him, placed my hand on his shoulder, and said


When I asked him if I could pray for him the tears that flowed from his face shifted from tears to almost a river flowing from his eyes as he deeply wept. Then I knelt down and began to weep at his feet. As I wept at his feet and prayed for him; without thinking - I said


In this room that was dark, everything was illuminated. Waldo looked at the Lord and wept in His arms as the illumination came over him and nothing else mattered. The only thing that mattered was Jesus.

  • End of Dream

This dream will forever mark me in the best way. Every night before bed I pray:

"Teach me Your ways Lord, that I would know You, that Your Glory would be seen." Exodus 33:13,18

In this dream I knew that the Lord was teaching me His ways. How beautiful is it that the Lord showed me a man with so many flaws and his name was Waldo? He knew that by naming him Waldo I would know to pray and intercede for those that are lost.

Where's Waldo is a book where there is a missing man that is hard to find (and lost). I played this searching game over and over when I was a kid. The man you had to search for had a red and white shirt and wore glasses that were round. The Lord knew I would identify with those that are lost as He named this man "Waldo." Isn't it beautiful how the Lord communicates in ways that He knows we will understand?

"Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

When I say "the Lord had me pray for those that are lost" I mean mentally, physically, spiritually even emotionally. Those that are far away from the love of the Lord. I could feel the Father's heart for this man - no matter what things he had done. By listening to Waldo, the last thing I focused on or cared about was what he had done. As I felt "what the Lord would do" (referring to Exodus 33:13,18) I remember that I didn't hesitate to ask Waldo his name, if I could pray for him, and told him he was worthy to be found.

What does this reveal?

  1. We call forth identity - "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" We call out the Gold from the Lord in a person and declare their birthright. Isaiah 49:1 Listen to Me, you islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The Lord called Me from the womb; From the body of My mother He named me.

  2. We release the Father's heart through prayer. The next thing I did without thinking was "PRAY" - this caused freedom and Waldo knew who he was in Christ. 1 Timothy 2:1 "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people

  3. The next thing I did without thinking was partner with who Christ called him to be and that he was worthy. Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

What if we, as the body of Christ, prayed for and interceded for those that are lost?

Yes - we pray for those that need the Lord and those that don't know Christ. But what would it look like if we prayed for those that we knew did the most horrific acts? To some, this may be uncomfortable as they don't "look" like those that deserve the love of Christ. These are the ones that need the love of Christ more than anything. What a testimony! What would it look like if we prayed for those that are in charge of sex-trafficking, drug lords, those that murder, serial killers, even those entangled in broken ministries? What would happen if we gathered as an army, did as Christ would do, then made way for His Glory to be seen? What if we called forth identity in all, prayed for all, then partnered with who Christ called them to be?

There would be Justice, Freedom, Healing, Redemption, and Restoration! I would suggest that strongholds and principalities would be broken and there would be an eradicating of sex trafficking. We wouldn't have to strive to constantly find missing people and break open cases that are corrupt in the government system and even the church. Through calling forth identity in all, praying for ALL to know Christ and partnering with who Christ called them to be - we would go from the top and work down. What I mean by this, for example, is praying for the person who is at the top of sex trafficking, drug smuggling, etc. This healing would trickle down allowing for a flow of the Father to be felt literally from the top - down. Instead of finding 2 people or doing one "drug bust" - the principalities and strongholds would be broken - allowing for a complete eradicating in Jesus name. Every knee would bow, every tongue would confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

We would breathe healing over minds that have been so deeply lost. Through this healing, there would be those that would turn themselves in because they would so deeply feel the love of the Father. They would return to the Garden of Eden and return to their first love. We have to stand in our authority in the Kingdom and that which Christ has equipped us to do. We have to break outside of the box that we have lived in for so long and partner with His will and His way. This way is the restoration of all things.

"...that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago." Acts 3:20-21

Colossians 2:15 says "In this way, He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by His victory over them on the cross." It is Christ and His power that brings victory over spiritual evil. I would like to suggest that mindsets would be healed, murderers would hear and feel the Holy Spirit so deeply that they wouldn't understand why they decided to kneel at the feet of Jesus ; they would only know that deep within them - something changed. That something would be the prayers and intercessions that ring forth from within the grounds allowing the NEW SOUNDS to be heard!

"...and they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders." Revelation 14:3

Lord, may we be servants of intercession and pray Your Kingdom come - Your Will be done - in Jesus name!

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