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The Sea of Blood

Writer's picture: Shield MeyerShield Meyer

On June 9, 10 and 11 the Lord gave me 3 dreams all the same.

I looked down at the Red Sea as I was hovering high in the air with the Lord.

As I looked down at the Red Sea; the Sea began to turn to blood.

I heard the song Wade in the Water over and over. 🩸

“Wade in the water..wade in the water children…

God’s gonna trouble the water”… 🌊

I looked at the sea of blood and the Lord said

“I’m stirring up the waters”

Then I heard people walking in sand and heard whips snapping all around.

Then He said “Back to the Future.”

When He said “Back to the Future” this dream shifted to being in a Concentration Camp with Jews and others imprisoned, overlooking so many held captive - many dead ; all God’s children.

  • End of Dream

I have yet to post this as I have been praying for months about this dream and laying it at the Father's feet. As the Lord gave me 3 dreams the same, the importance is quite evident.

As I saw these scenes I could feel time within myself turn as if I could see the past and feel what is, and what is to come. I woke up weeping; feeling the heart of the Father.

Looking further in to these dreams the first thing I noted were the dates. Each dream occurred one day prior to the Red Sea actually being attacked each date. There were 3 attacks, all dreams happened one day prior to the actual attack of the Red Sea.

The Navy Times has posted in an article on July 02, 2024

"June Red Sea recap: ...

June was a hectic month for the sea service, which has not seen this much sustained combat since WW2."

On July second, 2024 an article was posted from the Navy Times regarding an attack on June 12th, 2024 one day after the last dream the Lord gave me about the Red Sea turning to blood. This clip from the article reads as follows ;

”Among the month’s incidents, sailors assigned to the Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group rescued two dozen civilian mariners from the Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned bulk cargo carrier M/V Tutor, which was struck by a Houthi surface drone on June 12 in the southern Red Sea. That attack caused severe flooding and damage to the commercial ship’s engine room. One mariner on board reportedly died, and the bulk carrier later sank, according to The Associated Press, the second ship to do so amid the rebel group’s months-long crusade on vessels in the region.”

The most recent article released by the Navy Times posted on July 31, 2024 goes on to state:"U.S. forces took down dozens of Iran-backed Houthi drones in the Red Sea and in Yemen this month..." going on to report that "this continued reckless behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden" and "All told, the ramifications of the Houthi attacks have affected at least 65 countries' interests, the report said."

Why would the Lord show something in a dream prior to the event happening?

The dreams that the Lord showed me about the Red Sea were all prior to the posting of what the Navy Times recorded. Many times we dream and feel things from the Father before they occur as an invitation to partner with His heart, pray and intercede in order to shift the atmosphere for His Glory. There are times that we are shown what may occur so that we partner with His will and stand in the courts in order to legislate a change. He will show us His heart if only we yearn to enter His heart and know that as John 14:12 says;

"Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I am going to the Father."

Do we believe this to be true?

Do we really believe this?

We must.

The partnering with the Lord's heart about the Red Sea and praying for protection of the Red Sea is also a symbol of the demonstration of God's power. The Lord used Moses in Exodus 14:19-31 and parted the Red Sea allowing for the Israelites to cross on dry land.

The next part of this dream was the Red Sea turning to blood while hearing the song

“Wade in the water..wade in the water children...God’s gonna trouble the water”…

This powerful spiritual jubilee reflects the Israelites' escape out of Egypt and looking forward to future freedom. When the Lord showed me the Red Sea full of blood immediately my heart could feel Moses and redemption. Why would I see the Red Sea full of blood hearing a song about God troubling the water? When the Lord had Moses stick the staff in to the Nile and the river turned to blood it serves as a warning to Pharaoh.

Exodus 7:14 -17

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Pharaoh’s heart is unyielding; he refuses to let the people go. Go to Pharaoh in the morning as he goes out to the river. Confront him on the bank of the Nile, and take in your hand the staff that was changed into a snake. Then say to him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness. But until now you have not listened. This is what the Lord says: By this you will know that I am the Lord: With the staff that is in my hand I will strike the water of the Nile, and it will be changed into blood.

The representation of the sea turning to blood in this dream so clearly represents the blood that was shed when Moses himself was a baby and Pharaoh at that time commanded his people

"Every son that is born to the Hebrews you shall cast in to the Nile" (Exodus 1:22).

This moment of bloodshed would allow for a prophetic act to follow as Moses himself would end up in the King's palace set up perfectly to deliver God's chosen people. As Moses grew in age he felt the Lord in his life even when it didn't make sense yet. He murdered a man that was coming against his very own blood even though at the time Moses was unaware. (Exodus 2:11-12) As a result, Moses fled and went to the wilderness and as a result found

"I Am Who I Am." (Exodus 3:14) Moses heard from God and knew he had no choice but to communicate and warn those that the "sea would turn to blood."(Exodus 7:14-25) He communicated to Pharaoh to "let my people go!" over and over because this was the Lord's cry and demand. (Exodus 5:1)

Pharaoh's heart was hardened and couldn't see or hear that the Lord was done with the bloodshed and oppression. The Lord heard the cries of His people. Time and time again the instruction to "let my people go" from the Lord was ignored. As a result of not listening to the Lord, there was the greatest cry in Egypt; "such as there has never been or ever will be again." (Exodus 11:6) The Lord - at midnight - killed every firstborn male in Egypt from the firstborn son of Pharaoh who ruled the land to the firstborn son of the prisoner in jail, and also every firstborn animal. (Exodus 11:29) After this; Pharaoh allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt. As the Israelites left, time passed and again Pharaoh's heart hardened and regretted allowing them to leave. Pharaoh then went with his army to retrieve Israel and place them back in to captivity. Upon this moment, Moses never gives up faith that "I Am" had a plan and purpose. He heard the voice of God again and did as the Lord said. He lifted his staff and the Lord parted the Red Sea to allow God's chosen people to walk across the Red Sea on dry ground. The Lord instructed them to MOVE! They moved and as a result of listening to "I Am" - the Egyptians, Pharaoh and the whole army were engulfed in to the Red Sea and not one of them survived. (Exodus 14:28)

The connection of these dreams from the Lord to Moses and what is currently happening now in the Red Sea is not the only connection the Lord had me pay attention to. What is currently happening in the Red Sea feels like a deep wake up call. I would like to suggest that the current situation and dream about the Red Sea is the Lord awakening us to remember what happened back in the days of Moses when He turned the river to blood.

In the dream I kept hearing the song "Wade in the Water" over and over and was then led to the Back to the Future movie. Wade in the Water is a song that represents freedom, justice and to wade in the waters that the Lord is stirring up. We must trust Him to "cross the sea" just like the Israelites trusted when they walked across the Red Sea on dry ground.

By hearing the Lord say "Back to the Future" I could feel within me that just like then, the Lord is tired of the oppression of His people. There is innocent bloodshed all around the world. There are cries being heard deep within the grounds that are cries of freedom and justice for the injustice. The Lord said in the dream "I am stirring up the waters" When the Lord stirred up the waters at the Red Sea in the book of Exodus it was a stirring of justice that led to healing. There is shaking now in the Red Sea that is felt throughout the world that represents a stirring that is happening. This stirring is shown as sex trafficking is allowed and hidden and innocent victims are trafficked all over the world. There are kidnappings, murders, abortions, drug cartels that use people as objects and innocent bloodshed all over the world. As these innocent people that are children of the Lord cry out to Him for help just as they did in Exodus and as the Jews did in the time of the Holocaust - the Lord has heard their cry. Enough is enough! It is time for Justice! It is time for the waters to stir! It is time for healing to flow through the lands for all! Justice for the Injustice throughout all the lands! In Acts 2:17 it reads

"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on ALL people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams"

As His Spirit is poured out it doesn't just say "just Christians" will experience His pouring out - it says ALL people. There is a stirring that is a stirring up of redemption, love and joy that can only come from the Lord. This will flood the Nations with true healing where the love of the Lord is deeply felt. For years I have heard

"May Your sounds from the grounds cry out!

May NEW SOUNDS be found in the Nations!

May the lands all decree that You heal and set free -

May NEW SOUNDS be found in the Nations!"

For so long I assumed it was simply the songs the Lord was releasing all over the Nations, but the more I press in to His heart and pray, the more I realize that the New Sounds are the sounds of healing, restoration and redemption!

What does that look like?

As we partner with the Lord's heart this looks like a praying of and for ALL people. For freedom and justice to be birthed, we must see ALL as Yahweh sees them. We must pray for ALL. This means seeing even the murderers, members of gangs and members of drug cartels as Jesus Christ sees them. When this happens it is then that we can partner with His heart, call out the Gold in who they are and awaken them ALL to who they were created to be by Yahweh. (Jeremiah 1:5 'Before you were formed in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.') What would happen if we prayed for those responsible for the bloodshed that is occuring all over the world? I would like to suggest that they would feel the declarations and prayers all over the world about them calling them in to their Heavenly identity. What if we thanked the Lord for them, forgave them and thanked the Lord for the freedom of those held captive? It may be that they encounter the One true God in the night as they sleep. It may be that they fall to their knees and feel the Holy Spirit so deeply that they give their lives to Jesus Christ in turn setting those free and allowing Healing for the Healing!

Oh Lord we come before You today asking for forgiveness. May we partner with Your heart Lord and see ALL people as You see them. We ask for forgiveness for setting by and knowing all of these things are occurring and not doing anything. Lord awaken us to the blueprints from Heaven that align with Your ways! (Exodus 33:13,18) Lord we praise You for ALL people that You created and come before You asking to partner with Your ways that bring Healing for the Healing and Justice for the Injustice in this world. May ALL people on this earth feel the deep love of the Lord. Father we weep at Your feet and thank You for allowing us to dream with You and partner with what is on Your heart so that we can pray and legislate a change. May we all be like Moses and hear Your voice and heart Lord.

Teach us Your ways Lord - that we would know You - that Your Glory may be seen!

Lord we say Yes to Your will and way and ask that Your children be set free. Oh Lord - stir up the waters and allow us to feel within our bellies how You would have them be stirred. May we stick our rods in the waters as Moses did and have such faith that the waters would part allowing healing to flow through the lands like never before. May we look back at what took place in the days of Moses only to learn from them and to bring healing for the past, the now and for the coming. As we partner with Your 'Back to the Future' - may we so boldly know and declare that there truly is a Healing for the Past, Healing for the Now and Healing for the Coming that is being birthed! We stand with You seated in Heavenly places rejoicing in the Freedom and Love that You so freely give - knowing that this is Your will.

To You be the Glory Lord - forever in Your name - Amen!

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